Abstract Collection
Poster Collection
Call for papers
The call for papers for Virtual Irago Conference 2020 will be released on 1st November 2020.
Topics covered in previous Irago conferences can be viewed here:
Call for papers 2018
Call for papers 2017
Call for papers 2016
Call for papers 2015
Call for papers 2014
Call for papers 2013
Call for papers 2012
Call for papers 2011
Submission of Abstracts
Submission of abstracts
- Abstract and registration start date: 1 November 2020
- Deadline for Abstract Submission: 26 November 2020
- The abstracts will be reviewed and decisions sent to corresponding authors within two days of receipt.
Notice to authors
- Authors will be sent an abstract identity code by e-mail as shown in this example: <irago0001>
- If authors have enquiries concerning abstract submission then please contact the submission office by e-mail including your Login ID code with any messages.
Instructions for writing abstracts
- Authors are requested to submit an abstract of no longer than 250 words within one A4 page including Figure/Table and References using the template file which is in MS-Word format.
- A single Figure/Table and related caption should be embedded into the abstract.
- A collection of accepted abstracts will be distributed to participants at the conference. Camera-ready, high quality manuscript figures are requested within a minimum of 300 dpi resolution.
- Coloured artwork will NOT be reflected in the printed version.
- The abstract file name format should be: <first-name_family-name of corresponding author.doc> (e.g., <taro_suzuki.doc>)
- Send abstracts in microsoft word format (DOC or DOCX) through the website mentioned in the information page of the latest Irago conferencePlease do not hesitate to contact The Irago Conference secretariat by e-mail ( iragoconferenceseries@gmail.com ) with any questions about the conference.
Presentation Information:
Notice about oral and poster presentations
Oral Presentations
All oral presentations will be given online using video teleconferencing.
Digital avatar-based poster session
- Digital images of posters will be posted onto boards in a 3D poster session auditorium. The digital poster image should comply with the following specifications: Size of 2340 × 1820 pixels. Contact us if you have any questions about preparing digital images of the posters. ( iragoconferenceseries@gmail.com )
Registered participants will be allowed to enter poster rooms online in the form of avatars to meet the presenters and talk with them directly. Instructions for the operation of avatars inside the digital poster hall will be sent to registered participants directly.