Accepting abstracts: August 1st to 31st. Deadline has been extended to September 10th, 2019.
Important notices about Irago 2019
(1) This year’s conference offers participants the opportunity to visit the following facilities located near and on campus at UEC Tokyo:
- Mitaka Campus of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka, Tokyo
- https://www.nao.ac.jp/en/access/mitaka/
- Selected research laboratories at UEC Tokyo including clean rooms for electronic device fabrication, biotechnology, and information science.
- http://www.museum.uec.ac.jp/
- Please click here to view details of the courses available for the visits (Japanese only).
Please contact the secretariat (irago@office.uec.ac.jp) if you have any questions about the details of the visit courses.
Register for the visits by sending the following information to the email address below:
-Name <First, Family>
-Preferred tour
(1) NAOJ
(2) UEC campus facilities
Submit this information here: < irago@office.uec.ac.jp >
(2) The proceedings for Irago 2019 will be a compilation of the abstracts submitted by participants. Note, there will not be AIP proceedings as in previous years.
The world is at a major turning point. Recent changes in global economics and industrial priorities, environmental and energy policies, food production and population movements have produced formidable challenges that must be addressed for sustaining life on earth. The Irago Conference series was launched in 2011 with the objective of providing an ‘interdisciplinary-platform’ to enhance mutual understanding between scientists and engineers from academia and industry, policy makers, and experts from a wide spectrum of pure and applied sciences to resolve the daunting global issues facing mankind. The organizers would like to encourage graduate school students to participate and talk directly with internationally renowned academics, industrialists, and opinion leaders for a firsthand view of the major issues facing scientists and engineers of the 21st century.
Main theme of Irago Conference 2019
Insights into the sustainable development goals: “What About The Earth’s Resources? ”
Internationally renowned experts will share their insights into the challenges for achieving the goals set out by the UN.
Date: 29 October 2019
Venue: Auditorium, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo.
Topics covered by the invited speakers at Irago Conference 2019 include
- Water resources
- Overview of the UN SDGs program
- Sleep as a resource for a productive life
- High precision measurement of time
- Artificial proteins for food production
Other Areas
Abstracts are welcome in the areas listed below.
Observation, Measurement, Monitoring & Evaluation
- Advanced observation and measurement technologies
- Astronomical and solar system observation
- Material characterization
- Micro sensing systems
- Measurement systems for extreme environments
Medicine and Healthcare
- Biomimetic materials and protocols
- Neuroscience
- Genetics
- Molecular biology
- Healthcare and diagnostics
- Nanosurgery
- Microorganisms
- Drug delivery and discovery
- Life threatening diseases
- Regenerative medicine
- Pandemics
- Innovative Technology for health/welfare
- Music therapy, brain and mind healing
Energy and Environment
- Environment and pollution
- Biofuel
- Natural energy (solar, wind, wave)
- Energy conservation
- Methane hydrate
- Oceanography
- Agriculture and plant science
Frontiers of Advanced Science and Technology
- Electronic materials and devices
- CMOS and silicon devices
- Integrated circuits
- Optoelectronics
- Magnetic materials and related devices
- Man-Machine Interface
- Robotics
- Piezoelectric actuators
- Graphene synthesis and applications
- Spintronics
University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo
Toyohashi University of Technology
Takashi Fukuda
President, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo
Takashi Onishi
President, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
Kiyoshi Yamada
President, Tokai University, Japan
Kazushi Nakano, Vice President, Executive Director, Research and International Strategy.
Program Committee
Adarsh Sandhu (Chair) a
Eriko Aiba a
Tetsuo Kishimoto a
Rio Kita b
Takeshi Sakai a
Masumi Taki a
Kazuyoshi Tsuchiya b
Kenji Yuraa
a University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo
b Tokai University
International Advisory Committee
Cristina Blanco Andujar
University of Strasbourg, France
Mohamed Boutchich
Université Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC), France
Daniel Chua
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Arindam Ghosh
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India
Joby Joseph
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Justin Llandro
University of Cambridge, UK
Shinya Maenosono
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Ahmet Oral
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Daniel Ortega
IMDEA Nanoscience, Madrid, Spain
Paul Southern
The Royal Institution of Great Britain, UK
- Ayano Igarashi, UEC Tokyo, International Affairs Office
Auditorium, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo
1 Chome-5-1 Chofugaoka,
Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585
Invited Speakers
Junko Nakai
Natural Resources Management Officer Asia and Pacific Service FAO Investment Centre, Rome
“Sustainable Development Goals – Reclaiming Circularity, Local Connectivity and Reverence”
Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, Millennium Development Goals, environment, natural resources, relationship with nature.
Hirofumi Toda
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chronobiology Program, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
“A Molecular Link between “Sleep and Immunity”A novel sleep-inducing gene, “nemuri” functions as anti-microbial peptide”
Keyword : Sleep, Immunity, Fly genetics.
- Please register from here: https://registration.irago2019.com/registration/registration.cgi
- Early-bird registration before 11 October 2019.
- The early bird registration fee for Irago Conference 2019 is:
General participant | 20,000 JPY |
Students | 3,000 JPY |
- After 11 October 2019
General participant | 25,000 JPY |
Students | 7,000 JPY |
- Registration fee for Special Evening Session and Banquet:
General participant | 4,000 JPY |
Students | 2,000 JPY |
- Special Evening Session and Banquet Registration
- The Evening Session of Irago Conference 2019 is being held in partnership with STAM.
- Registration for the evening session can be done along with the conference here:
- Special Evening Session and Banquet will be held on Tuesday, 29th October 2019 at 18:30.
- If you have any questions, please contact:
The Irago Conference secretariat
Telephone : (+81) 42-443-6862
Email: irago@office.uec.ac.jp
The University of Electro-Communications (UEC)
1-5-1 Chofugaoka Chofu, Tokyo Japan. - Submission of abstracts and Publication
- Call for papers
- Submission of Abstracts:
- Abstract and registration start date: 1st August, 2019
- Deadline for Abstract Submission:
31st August, 2019. Deadline extended to September 10th, 2019. - Submit abstracts by email to irago@office.uec.ac.jp
- The abstracts will be reviewed and decisions sent to corresponding authors by 20th September 2018.
- Authors will be sent an abstract identity code by e-mail as shown in this example: “001”
- Instructions for writing abstracts:
- Authors are requested to submit an abstract of no longer than 250 words within one A4 page including Figure/Table and References using the template file which is in MS-Word format.
- A single Figure/Table and related caption should be embedded into the abstract.
- A collection of accepted abstracts will be distributed to participants at the conference. Camera-ready, high quality manuscript figures are requested within a minimum of 300 dpi resolution.
- Coloured artwork will NOT be reflected in the printed version.
- The abstract file name format should be: <first-name_family-name of corresponding author.doc> (e.g., <taro_suzuki.doc>).
- Send abstracts in microsoft word format (DOC or DOCX) through email to irago@office.uec.ac.jp
- Please do not hesitate to contact The Irago Conference secretariat by e-mail irago@office.uec.ac.jp with any questions about the conference.
- Presentation Information:
- Notice about oral and poster presentations
- Oral Presentations
- • All oral presentations will be given in the Auditorium at the University of the Electro-Communications.
• Windows PC installed with Microsoft Power point 2010 will be available for speakers without their own PCs. Speakers should bring USB memory sticks of their presentation files to the chairman’s desk in front of the conference hall before the start of their sessions.
• Speakers using their own PCs should inform the session chairman prior to the beginning of their talks.
• If you have multimedia contents (movies, sounds etc.), please inform the session chairman prior to your talks to check the equipment before starting. - Poster Presentations
- • Posters should not exceed 870 mm (horizontal) by 1800 mm (vertical) to fit the poster boards, posters should be in A0 (841mm×1189mm) or A1 (594mm×841mm) sizes.
• Fix your posters to poster boards using double-sided tape available at the speaker’s desk.
• Posters should put up your posters before the start of the poster session.
• Posters are requested to be posted throughout the conference period (November 1st). - Publication
- In 2019, there will not be a call for manuscripts for publication in the AIP Conference Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics (AIP).
- Technical Program
Time table of the conference
List of Abstracts